Friday, October 14, 2016


                          PERSONAL MATTERS VIS-A-VIS FEMINISM 
By : Md Irshad Ayub

It is a fact that no argument is strong enough to separate the issue of marriage from religion. And when marriage and divorce are matters of religion, according to Article 25 of the Constitution, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practise and propagate their religion. Neither Parliament nor any other institution enjoys the right to snatch or abolish this established right from any group against its will. According to this clause, the enactment of such a law (i.e,Uniform civil code) would be akin to interference in religious matters.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, of which India too is a member. Article 18 of this declaration guarantees that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice,worship and observance. It enunciates that the interference in religious matters against their will could jeopardize fundamental rights of people.
Religious liberty, therefore, becomes the right of every Indian citizen, a right which in no circumstances can be abrogated or taken away. Marriage and Divorce are obviously and definitely an ethical subject which is concerning with personal matters of religion. which is why, these matters are necessarily an integral part of religion. It is correct to say that the logical arguments and coherent narratives are being made and propagated by All India Muslim Personal Law Board is out and out genuine which is also moral, human and ethics in nature and character.
The people like Sadia Dehlvi, Zakia soman and so on , actually on the one hand, they are belonged to Western, Secular, Liberal, Feminist Brigade, but on the other, disguise their close connection with extremist and right wing group like RSS. They are, in fact, inhuman, anti-woman, bigot, man-hater, immoral, unethical, stubborn as well as anti-religious tolerance in their character, nature and outlook as well. They are deliberately trying to destroy family system and Religion-based practices to establish secret agenda of the greatest deception which is expansionist, unfeeling, insensible, exploitative, discriminatory, alien, anti-people, anti-liberal and progressive, anti- democracy, anti-freedom in nature and outlook. They never talk about a large number of brothels spreading the length and breadth of India. As a result of these, thousands number of women have been suffering immensely by physically, sexually, and assaulting in private part of her body. They have been depriving in matters of human rights, family and children.
-Md Irshad Ayub

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